the architecture of a tailor
For this artistic residence, Liquidfloors collaborated with Nordic partner Michelsens Interior. This flat located in beautiful Bergen, is the home of international fashion designer T-Michael. As a designer himself, he was closely involved in the design and material choices.
The end result is a unique residential project that combines efficient use of space with impactful materials and an artistic vision. The ideal topic for an engaging conversation!

We wondered why Nina Michelsens chose Liquidfloors for this project?
Nina: “We had seen Liquidfloors' products at various trade fairs over the years and at one point we asked them if we could bring this product to Norway. Of course, we needed an exciting, first project to start with! When this renovation with T-Michael presented itself, we immediately knew that this was the right project to introduce Liquidfloors to the Norwegian market."
Miguel: “I love what our floor does to this space. It makes everything more spacious, airy!"
Michael: “It's formidable, don't you think? The play of light... it produces a brightness that would have been sucked away with a dark floor. The light distributes beautifully back upwards and everything feels much softer because of it."

Nina: “Well, one part is the visual, another is the feel of it. You really have to experience walking the Mellow. Especially barefoot!"
Miguel: “Skin contact and walking comfort are important characteristics. You have to feel it to fully understand. In our showrooms, we sometimes ask people to take off their shoes and just walk on the floor. That helps to experience the material."
Michael: “It feels really different from other floors. A friend of mine described it as the feeling you get in a tropical country when you walk on the floor there. Because it's not cold or hot, but just right when you walk on it. Usually floors in Scandinavia are cold or too hot."
Nina: “It also has a kind of futuristic feel to it. Really something different."
Miguel: “I know what you mean. It can have that soft but present vibe, especially in the lighter shades."
Michael: “Do people often choose dark shades?"
Miguel: “Well, we offer a range of colour options, so yes, that does happen. We recently did a project with a black bathroom where the bathtub made of the same material was integrated into the floor. The result was impressive."
Michael: (laughs) " Get out! I already see a future project!"

It is intriguing to understand how Michael links the material choices in his flat with his own creations. What are the overlapping aspects?
Michael: “Materials are very important to me; when I look at fabrics, they often appeal to me somewhat. It is a very personal project; a home should be a reflection of its inhabitants. And so, for me, this floor was just right. To understand why, we have to go back in time; I bought Douglas wood from Canada that was recovered from an old bridge. Wood that we then used for the flagship store in Tokyo. My contact still had some of the same wood lying around and if I wanted I could buy it to decorate my flat in Norway with. So that was my idea in the beginning, to do a wooden floor. I spoke to Michelsens but immediately met with "no Michael, no" protests! We have just the right floor for your project, believe us. (laughs) And now I'm so glad I don't have bridge wood on my floor! It would have been a good story, but the Mellow floor just fits much, much better here.
I appreciate ecological products. But for me, sustainability is often also intertwined with technology. Just like we do at Norwegian Rain. For our rain coats, we choose quality fabrics that you know will stand rough weather conditions and the test of time. It's all about finding the balance between tradition and innovation. And what's important to me in this is the product's life cycle. Because above all that is sustainability. Liquidfloors seems to have found that balance very well. "
Nina: "The details for Michael's designs are usually buttons and stitching on the inside of a suit or jacket. He always adds those little elements that end up making all the difference. And it's basically the same for us. It's the basic materials, it's the details, the hinges and handles. In the end, it all has to come together."
Michael: "That's what touches people, that's what makes people fall in love with a creation. It's about getting the elements just right. Balance. "

Nina, how do these floors fit into your designs as an interior designer?
Nina: "A floor is the foundation of any project. And this Mellow is the opposite of what Michael has done before; he has often used dark toned wood. So when we chose the light cast floor together, we also added this curved dark panel. That brought a symbiosis. The dominant design element in the apartment consists of walls clad in wood veneer in an organic shape that runs throughout the space. This created a lot of space, while also making each room very functional. All the necessary technical installations were designed into it and fixed in natural wood."
Michael: "A work of art, that's what it is. It is monumental and contrasts beautifully with the subtle Liquid Floor."
Miguel, can you say anything about maintenance and wear and tear?
Miguel: "When it's just installed, it's a matte and soft surface. And then as you use it, over the years it takes on a soft patina and actually gets more and more beautiful. It's also a strong material, as you can see here there are absolutely no signs of use on the floor despite being in use for over a year now.
Another important aspect of our floors is that we can perfectly update them after many years. It is simply a top layer that we renew. The floor then barely rises in height, about 1 mm. Then it is even perfectly possible to choose a different colour. No breakout, no waste, no hassle."
Michael: “Miguel, how do I maintain this floor?"
Miguel: “Clean it with water, plain water. If you see stains or grease on the floor, we have our own maintenance products that do a fine job, but it is always important not to use too much soap. The floor does not absorb dirt and liquids, so there is really no need to take care of it with a lot of product. "

What do you think of the Scandinavian style?
Miguel: “I really love Scandinavian design with all the wood and different shades. But I also find that our seamless floors let these traditional materials speak much more for themselves. They provide a contrast without taking too much attention. A seamless surface is not blatant, but rather allows objects to come alive in a certain way."
Michael, what does the floor do to the overall feel and how does it complement the architecture?
Michael: “I see the floor as a kind of canvas, on which I place my chosen elements. As I said, this space is full of things I have bought over the years and in a way tells the story of my life.... I'm not out to create a minimalist home, where things are just there because they look good, get it? Every element is here because it somehow completes my life and this floor gives them a kind of balance in a way. Again, it really is a canvas for me."